Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Works


¿What is REPSE?

The Federal Labor Law, in its Article 15, stipulates that individuals or legal entities offering specialized services or carrying out specialized works must register with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (STPS). The platform is made available for submitting registration applications to the Public Registry of Contractors of Specialized Services or Works.

¿What is the purpose of the registration?

The registration aims to maintain an updated and controlled repository, allowing the identification, registration, regulation, and supervision of individuals or legal entities offering specialized services or carrying out specialized works.
This is achieved through the Public Registry of Specialized Services or Works, where all individuals or legal entities providing specialized services or performing specialized works must register. They must make their own workers available to the contractor and, in order to obtain registration, demonstrate compliance with tax and social security obligations, as well as prove the specialized nature of the activities or works they wish to register. This registry will be public and electronically accessible for easy consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Individuals or legal entities offering specialized services or performing specialized works, making their own workers available to the contractor.
You must include your registration number in each contract, along with the folios of the activities related to the corporate purpose or the proof of fiscal status registered in the Registry, corresponding to the subcontracted activity.
No, registration is exclusively for those who make workers available to a third party to perform contracted specialized services or works.
No, registration is only required for the provision of services or works where the vendor or manufacturer provides their own workers to perform specialized services or works for a third party.
Primarily due to non-compliance with tax and social security obligations, illegible documents in the platform, activities not aligned with the corporate purpose, or inaccurate information, among other reasons.
Yes, after addressing the identified inconsistency, anomaly, or irregularity.
Yes, registration must be renew every three years through the platform.
Yes, it can be canceled at any time for reasons such as providing unregistered services, having outstanding debts for tax or social security obligations, failure to comply with requirements, violation of the Federal Labor Law on outsourcing, refusal to address STPS requests, or failure to renew on time. STPS will notify and resolve within 5 business days after updating the reasons mentioned.
On the REPSE STPS website, under the «Consult the catalog» section, you can locate the company by name or business name.

Related Services:


Recruitment and Selection


Human Resources




Complementary Services

KOM a company with REPSE registration

K O M is a company endorsed as a provider of Specialized Services or Works by Secretaria de Trabajo y Previsión Social and is registered in the Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Works (REPSE).
Ask about the benefits we provide to our clients as a REPSE company.

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